Tradition and innovation
1753 is the year of birth of the Vorarlberg embroidery industry. Around 1900 the embroidery industry was the main employer and generator of foreign currency in Vorarlberg, and Lustenau developed as its metropolis. The industrialisation did not change the structure of the embroidery industry. It remained the domaine of small family companies. Private life and embroidery still does take place under the same roof.
The companies of the Vorarlberg embroidery industry are family-owned. Such as in an efficient family challenges and work are shared. There are no hierarchies nor instances. Each customer is served as a friend and can rely on the partner. Each employee is integrated within the family structure. They all belong to a family, with whom they share good and hard.
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Embroideries Finishing
The embroidery industry is characterised by a form of cooperation in which each stage of production from the raw material to the finished textile product is often located in different places.
This extremely fragmented structure is reflected in the complex supply relationships between all the companies involved throughout the textile processing chain.
All embroideries produced in Vorarlberg are bleached and dyed strictly after the „Öko-Tex Standard 100“. Therefore it is assured that they contain no poisonous substances.
The Öko-Tex Standard 100 was introduced in the early 1990s as a response to the needs of consumers and the general public for textiles which posed no risk to health. „Poison in textiles“ and other negative headlines were widespread at this time and indiscriminately branded all chemicals across the board used in textile manufacturing as negative and dangerous to health.
As an unrivaled advantage aside from 150 year-old expert-knowledge in embroidery refinement is our mountain water, worldwide the qualitative best water for the embroidery finishing. Only with this crystal clear water it`s possible to effectuate such brilliant white tones and colours.